Welcome to the ministry website for Chester and Betsy Kylstra, founders of Restoring The Foundations ministry, Transforming Your Business ministry, and establishers of the Healing House Network. We are glad you are here.

As this new season continues to unfold in our lives, we are amazed at the special opportunities Father brings to us. We are very grateful.

One recent special opportunity is Betsy was the lead author for a book on bringing healing to all of those associated with adoption. It is entitled Healing For Every Heart In Adoption. It’s release date is “November 5th, 2024.” (Preorders are being accepted now.) You may purchase it wherever books are sold.

In 2015 we passed the directorship of Restoring The Foundations International (RTFI) to Lee and Cindi Whitman. They have done an outstanding job of leading this organization for these years as it brings personal healing and freedom to many, and trainings to thousands to partner with Hold Spirit to bring RTF ministry to others.

(If you are interested in Restoring The Foundations (RTF) ministries, either receiving personal ministry, being trained to lead an RTF ministry session, or to obtain RTF Resources, we invite you to go to the RTF website: RestoringTheFoundations.org.)

And then in 2023, we passed the ministry Transforming Your Business (TYB) to Wayne and Karen Bork. They are rapidly positioning TYB to be a major support to Christian businesses, churches, educational institutions, and other organizations in the years ahead. Whereas RTFI bring the RTF revelation to individuals, TYB brings it to organizations.

The changes we observe in businesses and churches that embrace TYB and apply God’s principles to their organizations are remarkable. Essentially, the process removes negative influences causing trouble(s) and positions the organization to continually guard against future troubles. We are so privileged to be a part of this Holy Spirit transformation process. If you would like to find out more about TYB, please go to it’s website at: TransformingYourBusiness.org.

We continue to slow down a little. Less travel, less ministry, less busyness. And a little more time with Father, a little more time with family and friends, and a little more time with grandchildren.

Again, thanks for visiting our website. May you be richly blessed as you pursue Father’s healing and freedom. (II Corinthians 7:1)